I can't believe this is still sitting in draft. This show was in April. My sincere apologies, but this has been a crazy year. I lost my mother in May. She was 87 and lived a good life, but she was suffering and it wa very hard to see her in such pain. She is finally at rest and reunited with her true loves, God and my father... The best husband in the world according to her :-).
Once I got myself out of my slump, it was time to focus on my daughter's wedding and her wedding quilt. She was married on August 31st and was a lovely bride. But that is for another post.
So this is a show that 5 women in my local guild, Pelham Quilters, had in a local gallery, DMA Gallery. Unfortunately the gallery closed shortly after the exhibit closed, but for us it was extremely successful.
Opening night was packed and then the gallery held a book signing (first two pictures below) for two local authors, that also brought folks in to see our work. 

This is "Umoja, Goddess of the Sea" by Donna Chambers.

Here is a local artist viewing one of my pieces, "In the spotlight".

Donna is discussing her artistic process in the making of "Fashionista".

The curator, Lynnette, welcoming everyone during the opening reception. You can see my kimono inspired piece "Pathways" hanging in the window, and a part of one of my woven pieces, "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" on the easel. My piece "Sista Chat" is hanging on the front of the pedestal from which Lynnette is speaking.

The next three pieces were made by guild member, MaryAnn Ciccotelli.

Here I am, thanking everyone for coming and sharing some back ground on Pelham Quilters, and the five exhibiting quilters.

These three pieces are by guild member, Sandra Parrott.

This is my most recent piece, "Which Path would You Take". I was very pleased that it sold during the opening reception.

Here's Sandra, in front of one of her small pieces, "Tumbling Blocks".

To the left you can see a corner of MaryAnn's quilt and on the right is my parrott piece, "Jungle Paradise".

This is another of Sandra Parrott's work. She does wonderful small art quilt pieces.
I know it is late, but I hope you enjoyed seeing our show. I will have a solo exhibit in January 2015 at Etui Fiber Arts in Larchmont, NY.