My fibert art group, FiberArt NorthEast, had a challenge to create pieces of work inspired by Kimonos. The only rules was size 19"x50" for the body and (2) 19"x22" for the sleeves. By design the Kimonos were to hang over poles, so they would be two sided. The original exhibit ran at a local quilt show in May, where it had it's own room and the Kimonos floated, scattered around the room. It was really breathtaking. You can see my original post here. It was really interesting to see how everyone interpreted the theme. Some like mine are quilted pieces, some are done in silk, others use all types of fiber, including paper, some are hand and iced dyed, and on and on. Not one is alike in concept or end result!
The great thing about it, is that two galleries expressed interest and as a result all 25 Kimonos are hanging for the month of August in NYC, at The Art Quilt Gallery on 25th St. This exhibit has received a bit of press and has now been invited to be part of an exhibit in Germany, next year!
It was featured in the Chelsea News earlier in the month and the latest news source to pick it up is the Examiner.
This is all so exciting!!
The great thing about it, is that two galleries expressed interest and as a result all 25 Kimonos are hanging for the month of August in NYC, at The Art Quilt Gallery on 25th St. This exhibit has received a bit of press and has now been invited to be part of an exhibit in Germany, next year!
It was featured in the Chelsea News earlier in the month and the latest news source to pick it up is the Examiner.
This is all so exciting!!