So March and April seems so much like a whirlwind.
Our exhibit, "The Art of Quilt Making" at
The Design Management Art Gallery, in Pelham, NY in March was a big hit. 4 pieces were sold, including 2 of mine, "Which Path Would You Take?" (
subject of my last post) and "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy". I have been quilting for just over 13 years and in the last two years, have gotten the confidence to show my work outside of the normal quilting circles, family and friends. I have been honored to see the reaction to my work, but most importantly have grown, since with the exposure comes my awareness of how much more I have to learn. I think that is one of the reasons quilting speaks volumes to me... as long as you are open to experimentation and practice... the possibilities seem endless.
Well a few days after the exhibit in Pelham closed, my fiber art group, FiberArts Northeast (FANE), held there yearly gallery exhibit. This year's exhibit was entitled "Architectural Elements" and I couldn't think of a more fitting gallery for the exhibit to launch than at a new fiber arts store and gallery, called 'Etui Fiber Arts".
Etui is located in a renovated old pharmacy, where the owner, Julie Saviano had the foresight to expose some of the original brick work and high ceilings. Larchmont, the town where the shop is located has so many old buildings, just full of architectural wonders. It was just a fabulous launchpad for the exhibit (besides the fact that the store is absolutely wonderful!). Each piece in "Architectural Elements" had just one requirement, beside size, it had to include or represent an architectural element. Size limitation was 18" x 30" and the piece could either stand up on pedestal or hang on a wall. Our leader encouraged us to include a 3D element, of which many members did. Since the members of FANE come from all different backgrounds .... collage, felting, dying, quilting, printmaking, etc.... the pieces were all so different. Here is a picture of mine. It is entitled "Just Knock...I'll Be There For You". It does hang on the wall with timtex as its structural element. My original theme was the knocker, which in does swing up and down, for the viewer to knock on my door, but once the knocker was made, the door itself, became such a strong visual statement. I had fun adding the old wrought iron accents to the red door, in tribute to Larchmont, which has many homes and churches with red doors with ornate wrought iron hardware.

On top of the Architectural Elements show, I was also busy working on this years challenge for FANE..... Opposites. Meant to include a visual representation of opposites the piece had challenging hanging requirements as the concept had to be clear if the piece, which had to be made in two pieces, was hung on a wall, side by side, or over a stand, similar to the way our kimono inspiration pieces hung last year. The Opposites exhibit opens next weekend at the Northern Star Quilt Guild show as a special exhibit. The show runs May 3-4th at Kennedy High School in Somers, NY if you are free and can come by.
I will do separate posts on all the pieces in both FANE exhibits, as well as a post on the Pelham show in the coming weeks. I promise :-).